The Monster of Florence Douglas Preston Mario Spezi 9780446581271 Books

The Monster of Florence Douglas Preston Mario Spezi 9780446581271 Books
I first became aware of the, shall we say, oddities of the Italian justice system while following the Amanda Knox trial(s). I found this book while doing some idle searching on other books describing infamous Italian crimes.This book is very different than your typical true crime book. Whereas most authors would create a narrative out of the crime, Preston has instead chosen a style that actually downplays and de-emphasizes the actual crimes. It's an interesting editorial choice but it really works. Preston spends a LOT of time describing Florence, including the history of the city and, what puts these crimes into brilliant context, the subcultures that exist within the city. For example, in Florence you see children living with their parents until they get married - so it's not uncommon to have people approaching 30 years old still living at home. Well, those people want privacy as they, er, sit with their significant others, hence the culture of what we called in my time "parking." And this leads to ANOTHER subculture of people who peep in on the first group, going so far as to organize outings and compare notes on the best observation spots. Then, as if this weren't enough, there is a THIRD subculture of people who follow the peeping toms around and rob them while they are peeping...and usually get away with it by blackmailing them into staying quiet instead of reporting the crime to the police (and thereby confess their peeping tom ways...).
Bet you'll never look at Florence the same way again.
And is it any wonder that in an environment such as this, a killer could exist within those subcultures and have a reasonable expectation of never, ever getting caught?
Anyway, as I said, this book does a good job in detailing the nightmare that is the Italian justice system. As we saw in the Knox affair, if you are accused of something in Italy, the system will go all out in trying to get you in what can only be described as a drumhead trial system overseen by Monty Python's Flying Circus.
Honestly, a fantastic book that keeps your interest.

Tags : The Monster of Florence [Douglas Preston, Mario Spezi] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. In the tradition of John Berendt's <I >Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil </I>and Erik Larson's <I >The Devil in the White City</I>,Douglas Preston, Mario Spezi,The Monster of Florence,Grand Central Publishing,0446581275,Modern - 21st Century,Homicide;Florence (Italy);Case studies.,Serial murders;Italy;Florence;Case studies.,Case studies,Florence,History,History Modern 21st Century,History: World,Infamous Crimes And Criminals,Italy,Murder,Murder - Serial Killers,Serial murders,True Crime Espionage
The Monster of Florence Douglas Preston Mario Spezi 9780446581271 Books Reviews
Oh My Goodness, this was a good read. A little history and a lot about how challenging it is to get at the truth when corruption and self interest stand in the way of 2 good men who want nothing more than the truth. I'm not one of those who gives away the entire storyline, so suffice it to say that after the first couple of pages it had me. Couldn't put it down.
A true story, researched and written in a format that explains the reasons he was able to kill so many over so long a period...Mr. Preston is a prolific writer who never scrimps on the research.
An outstanding read that introduces or reminds the reader of the horrible murders that took place in the Florence/Tuscany area. The appalling thing is that its entirely possible that the title of the book "The Monster of Florence" in fact relates to the broken and complete lack of interest that the area's "law enforcement" took in solving or even doing a correct, by the book and transparent investigation. The book is successful in painting for the reader a complete picture geographically, culturally and socially. Its equally awful that in the very country wherein lies the seat of Roman Catholicism and its ultimate power, The Vatican, "fregatura" reigns along with a virtual shrugging off and nonchalance of and by "law and order" which appears all but non existent. In another book I had read regarding Amanda Knox this same theme ran through the vein of Italian "law enforcement". An excellent book for anyone interested in reading details gleaned from the experiences of an insider in the form of Mario Spezi. Spezi, a courageous and brilliant journalist/reporter ultimately himself arrested, experienced negative pushback from law enforcement on this case. Bizarre law enforcement actions and thinking, included a highly Medieval belief that a Satanic cult was involved. To this end it is not surprising to realize that Italy is I believe in its 62nd government, having had 61 since the end of WWII. I wish I could read Italian in order to read Spezi's books. A really excellent read and a high recommend!
It boggles the mind at how bizarre and muddled an investigation can become when the law enforcement involved do not follow procedure and use good judgement. What an embarrassment and indictment to Italy's judicial system. I have wanted to travel to Italy but now I would not feel secure enough to go there. This book shines a light on a legal justice system rife with hubris, chauvinism and general lack of skill investigating crimes. Thank you Mr. Preston for having the courage and character needed to expose such corruption. How sad all those victims and their families get no closure for their loss.
This book horrifies, but it is not the murders which cause this reaction. The terrible state of the Italian legal system, the abuses, the hysteria, and the corruption are shocking. If the events depicted here , and in the afterward, are accurately described, then Italy is not a civilized country despite its art, language, and cuisine. Vergogna, Italia.
I first became aware of the, shall we say, oddities of the Italian justice system while following the Amanda Knox trial(s). I found this book while doing some idle searching on other books describing infamous Italian crimes.
This book is very different than your typical true crime book. Whereas most authors would create a narrative out of the crime, Preston has instead chosen a style that actually downplays and de-emphasizes the actual crimes. It's an interesting editorial choice but it really works. Preston spends a LOT of time describing Florence, including the history of the city and, what puts these crimes into brilliant context, the subcultures that exist within the city. For example, in Florence you see children living with their parents until they get married - so it's not uncommon to have people approaching 30 years old still living at home. Well, those people want privacy as they, er, sit with their significant others, hence the culture of what we called in my time "parking." And this leads to ANOTHER subculture of people who peep in on the first group, going so far as to organize outings and compare notes on the best observation spots. Then, as if this weren't enough, there is a THIRD subculture of people who follow the peeping toms around and rob them while they are peeping...and usually get away with it by blackmailing them into staying quiet instead of reporting the crime to the police (and thereby confess their peeping tom ways...).
Bet you'll never look at Florence the same way again.
And is it any wonder that in an environment such as this, a killer could exist within those subcultures and have a reasonable expectation of never, ever getting caught?
Anyway, as I said, this book does a good job in detailing the nightmare that is the Italian justice system. As we saw in the Knox affair, if you are accused of something in Italy, the system will go all out in trying to get you in what can only be described as a drumhead trial system overseen by Monty Python's Flying Circus.
Honestly, a fantastic book that keeps your interest.

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