Harmonic Feedback Tara Kelly Books

Harmonic Feedback Tara Kelly Books
Final Grade: 99/A+Rated PG-15: drug use, sex, some language
REVIEW: Darned book made me cry! Maybe it was because I was up into the wee hours of the morning finishing this book or maybe it was because I was so invested in these characters, but I cried--and I so rarely do that with books. (Or...it could be that I have to go back to school in a couple of days that made me weepy...)
Drea is an absolutely marvelous character--I totally rooted for her every step of the way. She's struggled all her life with labels (AS, ADHD), and a mom who tries to make life easier for her by telling everyone about Drea's "issues". Of course, this just ends up making Drea's life more difficult. And, because of her challenges, she has a lot of trouble relating to people and vice versa. They don't appreciate her straightforward honesty (she doesn't understand lying) or her abrupt manner until Nicole and Justin come along. Both musicians, they connect with Drea and become her first real friends (and boyfriend! Great love story!), making beautiful music together (sorry, couldn't help myself).
I can't say enough about this book. I love the connections between the characters, how they all interact with one another. The dialogue is well-paced and totally believable. Author Tara Kelly's treatment of Drea's Asperger's syndrome is done with a delicate and understanding hand, integrating Drea's daily struggles with social interaction seamlessly into her overall character.
Kelly develops deep backstories for each of her characters, adding to the richness of the story. For example, Justin isn't just a cute boy with a past, he has a past that he's trying to redeem himself from, a past that allows him to relate to both wild-child Nicole who loves boys and drugs (and who made me want to slap some sense into her!), and Drea, who'd rather bury herself in the basement with her instruments and her computer. Even Nicole's slimy boyfriend and minor character, Scott, is developed, rather than just a cardboard placeholder as is the case with many bit players.
HARMONIC FEEDBACK definitely goes on my "To Read Again" pile (*much* smaller than my TBR pile). One of my top pics for 2010.
I absolutely cannot wait for her next book, C-SIDE TALES, which comes out in 2011.

Tags : Amazon.com: Harmonic Feedback (9780805090109): Tara Kelly: Books,Tara Kelly,Harmonic Feedback,Henry Holt and Co. (BYR),080509010X,Social Themes - General,Emotional problems;Fiction.,Interpersonal relations;Fiction.,Self-perception;Fiction.,Asperger's syndrome,Children's Books - Young Adult Fiction,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Emotional problems,Fiction,Interpersonal relations,Performing Arts Music,Social Issues - General,Social Themes Friendship,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes General (see also headings under Family)
Harmonic Feedback Tara Kelly Books Reviews
Sometimes there are books that end up being very different than what I first imagined from reading the book's summary. This book is definitely one of them. I love when that happens because usually it ends up being even better than I imagined.
I loved Drea, Justin, and Naomi. They were awesome and good people. I may not have exactly their problems, but I do have my own, and I could easily relate to their characters. When I read the book's summary and looked at the cover (which fit perfectly), I thought the entire book would be dark and serious. But it wasn't. On almost every page there was something that made me laugh! Not that I'm saying there aren't any dark and serious moments because there definitely is. And I definitely cried. I still feel like I crying.
Music is a part of this book, but if you're worried you won't recognize the musicians, it's okay. It doesn't take over, which I liked. Although, honestly, I wouldn't have minded knowing more about the music Drea and Justin listened to because I seem to have a similar taste in music. I want Justin's Björk shirt (heck, just give me Justin! heh), and I have the urge to listen to Snow Patrol's "Somewhere a Clock is Ticking."
So, I'll just end by saying that if you're looking for a book with great characters and a book that will most likely make you laugh and cry, then I recommend this book to you.
Sixteen-year-old Drea is passionate about her music. She doesn't have many friends and it doesn't help that her mother tells others that she has 'issues' and a slight touch of Asbergers. Drea hates this as she wants to be known for who she is and not by a label.
Drea is also used to being dragged from town to town by her mother. The latest stop is her Grandmother's house which is a step up from being homeless. But here Drea meets Naomi, a fellow outsider who seems interested in her. Then at her new school she runs into Justin, someone else who seems intrigued by her.
Naomi suggests they form a band. Drea can no longer hide behind her sound equipment. But as she slowly lets her guard down, one fear continues to nag at her. What happens if both Naomi and Justin find out about her 'issues'? Will they still like her? Is this something she wants to chance?
I totally LOVED Drea. She's real and honest about the world around her. For example she doesn't get why people smile and act like everything is ok when in reality that's further than the truth. Drea hates being labeled by antonyms like ADHD but instead wants to be known for who she is, someone who's passionate about her music.
I loved how the author gives us a character and let's us get a glimpse of her world. Since my own son has ADHD, I asked him if some of what Drea felt were similar to what he deals with. He totally agreed. Finally a character that doesn't show ADHD or Asberger's as the Rain Man character.
This book isn't per say about ADHD or Asbergers but rather about relationships and how painful it can be to open up and take chances. I loved how the author develops the relationships between the main characters. All three at first hide behind masks of their own and aren't really that different.
Drea's journey is at times blunt but also heartfelt and honest. Believe me, you'll love Drea as much as I did! Her journey is something you won't want to miss. A must read!
Final Grade 99/A+
Rated PG-15 drug use, sex, some language
REVIEW Darned book made me cry! Maybe it was because I was up into the wee hours of the morning finishing this book or maybe it was because I was so invested in these characters, but I cried--and I so rarely do that with books. (Or...it could be that I have to go back to school in a couple of days that made me weepy...)
Drea is an absolutely marvelous character--I totally rooted for her every step of the way. She's struggled all her life with labels (AS, ADHD), and a mom who tries to make life easier for her by telling everyone about Drea's "issues". Of course, this just ends up making Drea's life more difficult. And, because of her challenges, she has a lot of trouble relating to people and vice versa. They don't appreciate her straightforward honesty (she doesn't understand lying) or her abrupt manner until Nicole and Justin come along. Both musicians, they connect with Drea and become her first real friends (and boyfriend! Great love story!), making beautiful music together (sorry, couldn't help myself).
I can't say enough about this book. I love the connections between the characters, how they all interact with one another. The dialogue is well-paced and totally believable. Author Tara Kelly's treatment of Drea's Asperger's syndrome is done with a delicate and understanding hand, integrating Drea's daily struggles with social interaction seamlessly into her overall character.
Kelly develops deep backstories for each of her characters, adding to the richness of the story. For example, Justin isn't just a cute boy with a past, he has a past that he's trying to redeem himself from, a past that allows him to relate to both wild-child Nicole who loves boys and drugs (and who made me want to slap some sense into her!), and Drea, who'd rather bury herself in the basement with her instruments and her computer. Even Nicole's slimy boyfriend and minor character, Scott, is developed, rather than just a cardboard placeholder as is the case with many bit players.
HARMONIC FEEDBACK definitely goes on my "To Read Again" pile (*much* smaller than my TBR pile). One of my top pics for 2010.
I absolutely cannot wait for her next book, C-SIDE TALES, which comes out in 2011.

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