Changes Danielle Steel 9780385292597 Books

Changes Danielle Steel 9780385292597 Books
Changes by Danielle steelShe seems to have it all but she wants so much more. Twin daughters who are teens,
Melanie Adams, successful career but she doesn't have a man of her dreams, yet love is outside her reach. One of her reports will be on a heart surgeon who she hopes she can talk into doing a transplant for a little girl, so her company can tape it for their TV show.
The book also follows heart surgeon Peter with kids of his own has just lost his wife. He puts himself out there with so much time for every transplant and talks the patient into accepting things. Once there are negative thoughts the body rejects the organ.
After the surgeon he invites her back to his house to meet his kids and spend time with them. They open up to one another, their deepest thoughts and fears. She has to leave soon to return to NY, and he lives in CA and she likes the location and the warmth.
She has met his kids and they are starving for a woman in his life, well not the teen girl. She's jealous of the time she doesn't have with her father. Work keeps her away from her kids and she's back on the west coast to follow up on the shooting of the president. She does get to spend time with Peter.
They are able to spend some time together for themselves and feel guilty! When they make the next big step they are faced with teens problems and career choices and other life events...

Tags : Changes [Danielle Steel] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Top TV anchorwoman Melanie Adams had given up on love after a failed marriage and an unhappy affair. With her two twin teenage children and her television news career,Danielle Steel,Changes,Delacorte Press,0385292597,Romance - Contemporary,Domestic fiction.,Love stories.,Stepfamilies;Fiction.,Bargain Books,Domestic fiction,Fiction,Fiction General,Fiction Romance Contemporary,General,Love stories,Popular American Fiction,Romance: Modern,Stepfamilies
Changes Danielle Steel 9780385292597 Books Reviews
Ok, sadly I had stumbled across several major spoilers, but there were many others in this book. I would have enjoyed either way. Butcher grabbed me by the throat, with the first sentence, and didn’t let go. I finished gasping, even though I knew the ending.
We learn that Harry and Suzan have a daughter, who has been kidnapped by the Red Court’s Arianna Ortega, a duchess in the Red Court. All the while, Arianna works to neutralize the White Council. Back at home CPD’s sleaze bag is going after Harry in a big way, and by extension Harry’s pal, Murphy. He’s even called in the FBI to investigate Harry. Plus it seems as if there is an assassin or two after Harry. We see what parts of his humanity Harry is willing to sacrifice to get through this and save his girl.
Other good parts of the book include
- Bob’s wise cracks.
- The misnamed uber-dog Mouse keeps coming into his own as a protector, mainly of Molly, as well as a fighter.
- We learn even more about Harry’s family. If there’s anything else, we’ll have to wait and see.
- Butters plays comic relief for a few pages.
- Murphy will stand by Harry, no matter the cost.
- Thomas, while going fully White Court vampire and work for Lara, is willing to help Harry.
Bad things about the book it’s a cliff hanger. Sorry, that’s all.
Everything changes as Harry loses nearly everything.
Okay. This one totally broke me up. Sat there near the end and just bawled. I love these characters so much it just tears me up the stuff he puts them through.
Harry finds out he and Susan have a daughter who's been kidnapped by one of the Red Court vampires and is slated to be sacrificed to provide the power for a blood curse aimed at Harry and all his relatives. There are so many twists and surprises I had to stop reading and just try to digest what the heck had just happened every so often.
The ending is a shocker. Don't know if I'll ever really get over that as it's just so darned unfair.
This book had an ABSURD amount of hype going in, and I'm happy to say that for the most part it lived up to it. It certainly has loads of 'Changes' for Harry and his friends. Nothing in this series will ever be the same after this book, and I think that's a good thing. While I personally was still really enjoying the arc of the series, I can see where some people may have felt after 12 books it was starting to get stale. It's not anymore.
The plot is actually incredibly simple- Harry's old flame/now vampire(ish) Susan Rodriguez shows up at his door and tells him that not only do they have a daughter, but she has been stolen by the Red Court to be sacrificed in a ritual that will kill Harry's entire bloodline. Woah.
The rest of the book is basically Harry being really angry and trying to recruit anyone and everyone to help him rescue her. The middle of the book did kind of feel like a giant (and somewhat forced) reunion of characters. Some of the cameos worked, some not so much. Harry also makes some decisions that you (and he) knows will come back to bite him, but he has to make because saving his daughter is more important than anything else. It's Harry at his most heroic, and most morally grey.
It all leads up to easily the most explosive and epic ending in Dresden history. I was riveted the entire time. And after all of that is through, and you think Butcher will at least give you a satisfying, if bittersweet, ending, he pulls the rug out from under you with the biggest cliffhanger ending yet.
Ugh. I'm exhausted from this book.
Now where's Book 13?!?!
One can, and I assure you everyone is, be addicted to one or many things. If you are one of the unfortunate, and simultaneously blessed beyond reason type of people with whom the addiction is The Dresden Files, my prayers are with you. While reading book 12, Changes, I laughed a hundred times, some just low, quiet chuckles and some raucous sudden outbursts that evoked looks of alarm and/or irritation from those nearby. I also, however, cried twice and F you Butcher, I DO NOT CRY at funerals, at sappy movies and especially not books. At the end of changes, because Butcher has slowly, deviously and demonicly weaved so many of the characters throughout the series into my psyche, I threw my tablet across the room. I was terrified to immediately purchase, download and read in its entirety the next book, bastard. You're a genius, I love your work, I hate you, please stop. P..S. when is the next one due?
Changes by Danielle steel
She seems to have it all but she wants so much more. Twin daughters who are teens,
Melanie Adams, successful career but she doesn't have a man of her dreams, yet love is outside her reach. One of her reports will be on a heart surgeon who she hopes she can talk into doing a transplant for a little girl, so her company can tape it for their TV show.
The book also follows heart surgeon Peter with kids of his own has just lost his wife. He puts himself out there with so much time for every transplant and talks the patient into accepting things. Once there are negative thoughts the body rejects the organ.
After the surgeon he invites her back to his house to meet his kids and spend time with them. They open up to one another, their deepest thoughts and fears. She has to leave soon to return to NY, and he lives in CA and she likes the location and the warmth.
She has met his kids and they are starving for a woman in his life, well not the teen girl. She's jealous of the time she doesn't have with her father. Work keeps her away from her kids and she's back on the west coast to follow up on the shooting of the president. She does get to spend time with Peter.
They are able to spend some time together for themselves and feel guilty! When they make the next big step they are faced with teens problems and career choices and other life events...

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